Kitab Mengenal Diri Dan Wali Allah Pdf Download

Adil Mansur kitab mengenal diri dan wali allah pdf download Aku adalah seorang wanita yang ahli penyebar kitab. Saya telah mencetak baru dan bersama-sama fakir didunia, Taqi ad-Din urwah al-Guhari, kitabnya 'Kitabul Menjelaskan Keilmuan Diri Dan Wajah Allâh'. The complete book can be found in its entirety on this page: https://www.scribd. com/doc/172723598/Kitab-Mengenal-Diri-dan-Wali-Allah . It is a personal doctrine of the author to publish all of his books in this manner. There are very few books that have been translated into English. In fact, there are only a few. Please note also that he did not take any credit for writing the book, nor did he mention his name in it. The reason is because the author says: "I am a poor creature who has been made a prisoner inside my body by Allâh, and until He gives me permission to leave this Earth, I have no other option but to write whatever He inspires me with. I am merely a scribe". The author is a very devout Muslim and believes in the five pillars of Islam. He believes that he will be judged by God on the Day of Judgment. The author has a very high opinion about the Sahaba (companions) Abu Bakr and 'Umar, and he also believes in Israe' and Mi'raj. His last words were that he would wait for God - to answer his prayers. The book gives an excellent understanding of how God sees us, and what His Attributes are according to our Prophet Muhammed (s). The book also discusses the concepts of Good Deeds and Bad Deeds, some Islamic laws such as Salat, Zakat etc. The author follows the footsteps of his predecessor, the shaykh Shams al-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728 H), and believes that all of our actions and deeds are governed by Islamic Shari'ah Law; we do not have any freedom or liberty in making up our own law. The Islamic faith is based on God's Book and the Shari'ah. We must obey all the Shariah commands, such as praying five times a day, fasting Ramadhan etc... The book contains chapters with different themes such as:

https://www.scribd. com/doc/172723598/Kitab-Mengenal-Diri-dan-Wali-Allah . https://yuripedia.wordpress. com/2012/09/14/kitab-mengenal-diri-dan-wali-allah/? page_view_ by=1. php?option=com_content&view=article&id=18733:muhammad--hajj--wajah--majelisilah&catid=42:2007&Itemid=38 http://www17.plalaishospitalitynetwork .


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